Strategy of EMU enlargement background Żurkowska
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UWAGA- JEŚLI W PARAMETRACH SĄ RÓZNICE DATY, STRON, WYDAWNICTWA ITP. PATRZ ZAWSZE NA OPIS AUKCJI ON JEST NAJWAŻNIEJSZY. Strategy of EMU enlargement : background, optimal choices, consequences / ed. by Katarzyna Żurkowska, Dominik SobczakWarsaw : Inst. Wiedzy, 2004251 s. : wykr. ; 24 cmSTRATEGY OF EMUENLARGEMENTBACKGROUND, OPTIMAL CHOICES, CONSEQUENCESEdited byKatarzyna ŻukrowskaDominik SobczakWarsaw 2004The publication was prepared in cooperation with the Office of theEuropean Integration Committee.Projekt wydawniczy zrealizowano przy współpracy z Urzędem KomitetuIntegracji Europejskiej.The publication was edited by:Katarzyna Żukrowska Dominik SobczakReviewers:Prof. dr hab. Bazyli Samojlik Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz StarzykText editor:Dominik SobczakCover design:Dominik Sobczak© Copyright by:Warsaw School of Economics, International Security Department The Knowledge Institute, Warsaw 2004 ISBN: 83-89132-13-3Publisher:Instytut Wiedzy Szkoła Główna Handlowa Al. Niepodległości 162,Printed and assembled by:Sowa – Druk na życzenie, www.sowadruk.plTable of contents:Introduction ... 5 Acknowledgements 7 Part I. Fiscal and monetary strategies of CEEC accession to the EMU . 9 Ryszard Michalski 11 Remarks on the Polish strategy of accession to the EMU Renzo Orsi, Fabrizio Iacone . 17 Monetary policy strategies for accession countries Karel Zeman 43 Social issues of EMU accession strategy – conflict of fiscal and monetary restrictions with social demands in the Czech Republic Vít Bárta .. 55 Strategy of Accession to the EMU and Possible Difficulty with Fulfilling the Maastricht Inflation Criterion: the Czech View Jan Isa, Ivana Sikulova 67 Fulfillment of the convergence criteria in the Slovak Republic Eva Muchová .. 81 Slovakia on the road to EMU Part II. Economic and political background for EMU enlarge– – –Katarzyna Żukrowska ... 93 Fiscal policy in Poland after 1989 – background for growth stimulation in transforming and EU economies.Practice and some generalizations Carlos Vieira, Sofia Costa 131 Sustainability of Fiscal Policies in the EU and the CEEC Ryszard Wilczyński ... 149 The euro after a half of a decade Tiiu Paas, Jaan Masso, Marit Rõõm-Hinnosaar, Christopher Schumann .... . 163 Income Inequality, Poverty and Unemployment as Main Social Consequences of Transition Processes in the Baltic States Dominik SobczakPreparation of Polish capital market for participation in the single financial market of the European Union Joanna Stryjek .. 205 Sweden’s attitude to EMU and its influence on the policies of Denmark and the United Kingdom Małgorzata Grącik .... 221 Institutional framework for transatlantic relations Part III. Strategy of EMU enlargement – voices in discussion .. ... 239 Jan Krzysztof Bielecki .. 241 European Debate on Fiscal Discipline and Poland's Path towards Membership in the EMU Andrzej Sławiński . 245 Commentary on Massimiliano Marzo’s paper “Monetary Policy” Jakub Borowski 249 Costs and benefits of EMU accession
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