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UWAGA- JEŚLI W PARAMETRACH SĄ RÓZNICE DATY, STRON, WYDAWNICTWA ITP. PATRZ ZAWSZE NA OPIS AUKCJI ON JEST NAJWAŻNIEJSZY. AutorZygmunt VetulaniTytułJęzykoznawstwo komputeroweCorpus of Consultative dialoguesexperimentally collected source data for Al applicationsRok wydaniaWydawnictwoilustracje zdjęcia rysunkiStronOkładka, oprawaStan i inne informacje1990UAMtak190miękkaNOWAOpisABSTRACT. Vetutani Zygmunt, Corpus of consultative diatogues.ExperimentaUyco^ected source data for AI apptications (Korpus diaiogów. Materiały źródłowe do badań w zakresie Sztucznej Inteligencji), Poznań 1990. Adam Mickiewicz University Press (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza), 189 pp. Seria Językoznawstwo Komputerowe nr l. ISBN 83-232-0323-7. ISSN 0867-0994. English text with a summary in Połish.This book contains the corpus of 30 consuttative diatogues coHected in an experimenta) setting, łts aim is to be a reference point to AI-oriented studies of dialogues and other app)ications. The emphasis is put on the structure of questions, att of which were complete with their surface and semantic-teve! modets. This study is based on the predicate-argument approach defined in Vetutani ("Linguistic Pro­blems of Man-Machine Communication in Natural Language". Urockmeyer,Bochum, 1989). Discussion of the expenmenta) setting, as wei) as a short presentation of the descriptive toots is given. Some preprocessed tinguistic data, for example frequency !ists extracted from the corpus, are enclosed as we)). The raw data used to prepare this book are avai)ab)e on floppy disk.Zygmunt Vetutani -AdamMickiewiczUniversity, Institute of Mathematics (Uniwersytet mi. Adama Mickiewicza, Instytut Matematyki), ui. Matejki 48/49, Poznań - Poland.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe research for this book was sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foun­dation (West Germany) and by the Polish Government Grants CPBP 08.15. and CPBP 08.05. The direct motivation for the research presented here was my increas­ing feeling that it was necessary to base engineering work on apphcation-oriented, theoretical and empirical studies.I am very much indebted to Dafydd Gibbon from the Faculty of Linguistics at the University of Bielefeld, not only for encouraging me to pursue my ideas relating to Artificial Intelligence oriented studies of Polish, but also for accepting me as his guest and research partner during my AvH Fellowship. Discussions with him were an important contribution to the development of my ideas.Let me state clearly that the responsibility for any flaws and errors in this book is solely mine. Zygmunt VetulaniPoznań, 2.10.1989.The source text of dialogues for further processing may be obtained from the Publisher as an ASCII text on a tloppy, DOS-formatted disk. For this reason It will not contain any Polish diacritic signs. For further information, please contact the author:Zygmunt Vetulani, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Instytut Matematyki Poznań u). Matejki 48/49, POLAND; TELEX: 0413260 UAM PL; TELEFAX:
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