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UWAGA! Artykuły w języku angielskimTreść:G.I. Ovchinnikov, Y.S. Maksimishina: The importance of geological-geomrphological factors in the development of abrasion processes on the coasts of the Bratsk reservoir, in the SE part of Russia; T. Brzezińska-Wójcik: Dependence relief of South-West Escarpement Zone of Tomaszowskie Roztocze on tectonics (SE Poland); E. Smolska: The intensity of soil erosion in agricultural areas in North-Eastern Poland; D.R. Butler: The environmental impact of crayfish biopedoturbation on floodplain: Roanoke River, North Carolina Coastal plain, U.S.A.; A. Grešková: The application of teh Geographic Information System and remote sensing in identification of the flooded and waterlogged areas; T. Szczypek, V.A. Snytko: Granulometric properties of contemporary aeolian sands in a taiga-steppe area of Eastern Siberia; Z. Klajnert: The distinctive shapes of some kame ridges in the Łódź region of Central Poland; M. Bil: The method of identifications of tectonics based on changes of the valley floor width.Opis przedmiotu„Landform Analysis”. Vol. 3red. JACEK JANIA,WOJCIECH FROELICH88 s., A4, 300 goprawa broszurowa foliowanatab., rys., schem., mapyKatowice, 2002ISBN/ISSN PL 0208-6336Index 60.91-742Treść:G.I. Ovchinnikov, Y.S. Maksimishina: The importance of geological-geomrphological factors in the development of abrasion processes on the coasts of the Bratsk reservoir, in the SE part of Russia; T. Brzezińska-Wójcik: Dependence relief of South-West Escarpement Zone of Tomaszowskie Roztocze on tectonics (SE Poland); E. Smolska: The intensity of soil erosion in agricultural areas in North-Eastern Poland; D.R. Butler: The environmental impact of crayfish biopedoturbation on floodplain: Roanoke River, North Carolina Coastal plain, U.S.A.; A. Grešková: The application of teh Geographic Information System and remote sensing in identification of the flooded and waterlogged areas; T. Szczypek, V.A. Snytko: Granulometric properties of contemporary aeolian sands in a taiga-steppe area of Eastern Siberia; Z. Klajnert: The distinctive shapes of some kame ridges in the Łódź region of Central Poland; M. Bil: The method of identifications of tectonics based on changes of the valley floor width.Koszt przesyłkiprzy wpłacie na konto
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