Radiative Recomination Ions with Cooling Electron
Producent: LIBRES
Cena: 19.89 PLN
UWAGA- JEŚLI W PARAMETRACH SĄ RÓZNICE DATY, STRON, WYDAWNICTWA ITP. PATRZ ZAWSZE NA OPIS AUKCJI ON JEST NAJWAŻNIEJSZY. Opis przedmiotuAutorMarek PajekTytułRadiative Recomination of Ions with Cooling ElectronsRok wydaniaWydawnictwoilustracje zdjęcia rysunkiStronOkładka, oprawaStan i inne informacje1993WSPtak102MIĘKKANOWA, leżak magazynowyOpisAbstractRadiative recombination of ions with low-energy free electronsduring the electron cooling of ion beams in storage rings is discussedboth from theoretical and experimental point of view. In low-energyapproximation valid for cooling conditions most of the quantitiescharacterizing the radiative recombination process, as the cross sec-tions, recombination rates, photon angular distributions and po-larization, are obtained in closed forms within the nonrelativisticdipole approximation. An influence of the field-ionization effect onmeasured total recombination rates in experiments at storage ringsis discussed. Theoretical predictions on radiative recombination arecompared with the experimental results on radiative recombinationof deuterons with free electrons from the experiment performedin the electron cooler at CRYRING storage ring. A role of thefield-ionization effect and possible contribution of the Collisional-radiative recombination to measured recombination rates is dis-cussed. Present applications of ion cooling storage rings in atomiccollision physics, and the perspectives in this field are reviewed.spis treści lub fragmentContents1 Introduction 72 Electron cooling in storage rings 112.1 Electron cooling .................... 112.2 Storage ring facilities ................. 143 Electron-ion recombination in the electron cooler 173.1 Radiative recombination ............... 193.2 Dielectronic recombination .............. 213.3 Collisional (three-body) recombination ....... 233.4 Induced radiative recombination ........... 243.5 Molecular dissociative recombination ........ 254 Radiative recombination 294.1 Theoretical approaches ................ 294.2 Dipole approximation ................. 314.3 Low-energy approximation .............. 344.4 Recombination cross sections ............. 364.5 Angular distribution of photons ........... 394.6 Recombination rates ................. 424.7 Photon polarization .................. 494.8 Total radiative recombination rates ......... 554.9 Field-ionization effect ................. 574.10 Radiative recombination with non-bare ions .... 605 CRYRING-heavy ion storage ring 635.1 The CRYRING concept ............... 635.2 Beam diagnostics ................... 695.3 Research program .................. 716 Measurements of recombination rates 736.1 Experimental arrangement .............. 756.2 Measurements ..................... 786.3 Comparison with theory of RR . .6.4 Collisional-radiative recombination6.5 Other RR experiments .......7 Perspectives8 Summary9 References o autorze książkiOpis rozszerzonyciekawostki
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