Producent: LIBRES
Cena: 21.89 PLN
UWAGA- JEŚLI W PARAMETRACH SĄ RÓZNICE DATY, STRON, WYDAWNICTWA ITP. PATRZ ZAWSZE NA OPIS AUKCJI ON JEST NAJWAŻNIEJSZY. AutorPiotr KamińskiTytułThe Impact of calcium and Heavy Metals Upon the nest Development of the tree sparrow (Passer Montanus)Rok wydaniaWydawnictwoilustracje zdjęcia rysunkiStronOkładka, oprawaStan i inne informacje1998Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniutak132miękkaNOWAOpisThe aim of the studies described in this paper was to examine the differences in the inflow of chemical elements within the group acting upon the young organism in a specific way, i.e. Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Cd and Pb to the Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) nestlings livings in two urban environments differing in thei degree of pollution. Research was carried out inBiałystok(NE Poland, 300.000 inhabitants) in 1989-1994.Spis treściGeneral introductionStudy areaGeneral description of material and methods (Study objects)Calcium and heavy metals in the trophic levels of the Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) in urban environments (Introduction *Material and methods *Results: Calcium and heavy metals in the trophic levels *Discussion *Summary and conclusions)Dynamics of calcium and heavy metals concentration in Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) nestlings in urban environments (Introduction *Material and methods *Results: Concentration of calcium and heavy metals in the nestlings *Discussion *Summary and conclusions)The influence of pollution in urban environments upon the clutch size of the Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) (Introduction *Material and methods *Results: Calcium and heavy metals in the bodies of females and eggs *Discussion *Summary and conclusions)Growth of nestlings, hatching and fledging successes, and nestling mortality of the Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) in urban environments (Introduction *Material and methods *Results *Discussion *Summary and conclusions)General summary and coclusionsspis treści lub fragment o autorze książkiOpis rozszerzonyciekawostki
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